Gateway Men's Ministry is all about...
We want to see "every man engaged with God and others" with a purpose of growing spiritually and being spiritually influential in our community. We want to foster a climate of grace that understands the journey and celebrates transparency and growth. Join us at any of our engaging events and groups:
MONTHLY MEN'S BREAKFAST: Join us for a free Chick-fil-A breakfast and an encouraging talk by one of our men. Held the first Saturday of most months in Great room, 8:15-9:15am (sign up here to receive reminders).
THURSDAY NIGHT MEN'S STUDY: in church house, 6:30 PM, most Thursday nights with a short 2-3 week break between series.
TUESDAY MEN'S LUNCH: twice monthly at local restaurants
CLC "ALL IN" Program: 2 year Christian Leadership program, meets once per week
Various seasonal events, like "Grill and Chill" and other outings.
Fierce Night - Men's Worship night held in October, with food, games, and guest speakers.